The Democratic Republic of Congo
John 15 Where we abide fruit is born
I am full of excitement as the journey continues towards establishing a prayer room in the DRC. I just recently got back from my first trip to the country and if I could sum it up in one word I would use "Paradox" I have never felt more useless and yet more hopeful at the same time. I didn't even travel through much of the country and I could see that the affects war linger. People showed me pictures of what Goma used to like (it looked like Europe!) and now the place looked completely different because of war. I couldn't help but hearing the tempting thought "what is prayer really going to do?" As I sat down and had dinner with the leaders of Rally that night and started to get to know everyone, I saw a hope I had never seen before. They began explaining to me what God was doing in the DRC and it struck a deep chord in me, I wanted that hope! I went to bed that night almost in tears saying "Yes! God is moving here! Prayer is changing things!" Another thing I want to preface this whole story with is that for about the past 10 months God has been bringing up John 15. "Abide in me," Jesus says, "and see the fruit!" Each time I think I understand it, He brings more revelation. I saw people abiding in the DRC. In their prayer life, their work habits, there fellowship with one another. They painted the picture of what Jesus was speaking about in John 15. I was so touched by their prayer life, I wanted to pray like the Congolese prayed! The beauty of the trip was that I was able to see what was happening in the country and get to know only a few of the amazing people there. As I sat on the 5 hour bus ride packed with people to Kigali airport I wept. Most of my life I've wanted to do great "exploits" for God. But what I realized in my very short time there was that I past all the great things we can do for the kingdom we get to KNOW Jesus. I love the picture of sitting at the table with Him. As I sat their and cried I told Him "I'll do it again!" I don't care if my life looks a little different than my friends back home I want to know Jesus! I was able to sit down with the leaders and talk about what a partnership with YWAM looks like as well as a what a prayer room looks like in the DRC. God's faithfulness always astounds me, He provided EVERYTHING needed on this trip. Next steps are to take a team back to the DRC for the month of March in 2017 and work with Rally. I am currently back in South Africa for three more weeks then to Kona and then finally back home to Texas for the beginning of the year! Thank you to all who have prayed and supported me. I mean it from my heart that it has/ and still is making the difference! The journey continues!