To The Himalayas

I start the journey to the Himalayas tonight! Thank you to all of you who have sown into to this trip. I am full of faith, expecting God to move in whatever way He wants! In Psalm 119:24 David says to God "Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counsel." How true is that! Yesterday I sat down in the morning with the Father and began to recount all the testimonies of His Character in my life. From Financially providing in every way, to providing me with a car, a place to stay, vision, friends, a great school, His kindness and mercy continue to humble me. I could go on and on with how much being friends with God and learning to surrender more and more to Him have impacted my life. Any doubts or worries I had about this trip were gone the moment I sought the "counsel of God" I cannot deny His faithfulness. His grace that has shown itself new to me each morning. I am so excited to go on this adventure in seeing a prayer room established but even more so I am excited to go on a trip with my Father to a land I have never been to before. To learn more about who my Father is and tell people about how good He is! For the sake of not getting too sentimental I will simply encourage everyone to set your heart on the promises of God and I assure you that you will be satisfied feasting on His faithfulness! I cannot wait to update you guys soon! 




Healings & Salvations