No Compromise

Things are in full swing out here at the University of the Nations. We just sent out another wave of missionaries on their three month outreaches (182 students to over 20 different nations!) With one wave going another has come as this quarter starts, and I am expectant and full of faith for revival to break out and spread. For these past few months I have realized something, that we are moral agents concerning a move of God. I also realized that it very much depends on my willingness to have no compromise in my life. What am I allowing to hinder a move of God in my own heart? 

"If God spoke from heaven in a loud voice and asked, "Do you want revival?" would you dare to say yes? If He asked, "Are you willing to make the sacrifices?" would you dare to say yes? When He inquired, "When should it start?" would you answer, "Let it begin here, let it begin in my heart now"? Would you dare to say so to God if you heard His voice call you?" - Lectures on Revival by Charles G. Finney

As I continue on in this journey of seeing a prayer room established in the Democratic Republic of Congo I want everything in my life to be burned away that is not of God. I don't want to see how close I can get without crossing the line, I want to see how far I can run from it. Some things I would really appreciate prayer for is that God would send me a team. "Though none go with me still I will follow" I am going with a team or I am going alone, either way I am following what I feel the Lord is telling me to do. But with that said I would be grateful for a team. Thank you so much to all of you supporting right now in prayer and finances none of this would be possible without you. Your reward is eternal in Heaven!  




Thoughts From Nepal Trip