Join the Journey!

Me speaking about the power of worship & prayer at a youth group in Jeffery's Bay, South Africa

Me speaking about the power of worship & prayer at a youth group in Jeffery's Bay, South Africa

For all of you who have been following what the Lord has been doing in my life for these past three years and encouraged me along the way I want to say thank you. For everyone who has prayed for me I want to say thank you and that your prayers are what made the difference! For anyone who has given generously to me financially I am so grateful. You guys have made this mission trips possible and you have helped get to this road where I stand now. 

The reason for this special update is that I am embarking into the- again- unfamiliar phase of this journey to see the sound of heaven released through prayer & missions. Come this spring 2017 I am planning a move across the world to Cape Town, South Africa to join and serve the YWAM base there. While there I will be involved with helping staff a DTS. In the very near future I am hoping to start a prayer room under the base but first I want to serve it! I would like to ask for your support yet again. I look back at the last three years of ministries I've been apart and I the fruit is so evident. I know without a doubt that God is doing incredible things all over the world and YWAM is just another vessel for His kingdom. 

Since this move is expecting to be more permanent than any of my other trips I am in need of at least $1,000 USD a month for the next year. Along with that I am in need of $4,600 USD for start up costs such as a plane ticket, visa, & car in South Africa. I am looking for partners who would be willing to give $20, $50, $100, or Other amount per month for the next year. God has provided everything in the past and I am confident that where He guides He will provide. I am asking if you would give towards this vision of seeing the sound of heaven released through prayer & missions.

This past year I estimate that I have gotten to see over 2,000 seeds sown, over 200 salvations, over 100 people baptized in the Holy Spirit, and at minimum 75 physical healings! This is what you are sowing into! If you'd like to see my budget for the next 4 months (I'll be updating it April 2017) and/ or would like to donate now click here,  I would love to talk if you have any questions or want to know more!



Join The Journey: Episode 1


Kona // S.A. // DRC