The Reagh's

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Power of Creating

One of the great privileges we got to be apart of while in Japan was hosting a Jesus Film night. We went out earlier that day with a guitar and flyers and invited as many people as we could to the evening. As the evening approached a couple came to the house we were hosting the film at and they were curious about the movie we were going to show. They came in and watched with us. As the movie came to a stopping point due to time we got into groups and prayed for one another. When asked what could be prayed for to the lady that had come she answered I want to know Jesus. Our team made sure she understood what she was asking and she said yes I want to make Jesus Lord of my life. After we walked her through entering a relationship with Jesus she said I would like to finish the movie. We told her that it was okay we can finish tomorrow but she insisted saying no I must see the end of this movie. So with that, we watched the beautiful story of the gospel until 11:00 pm! We were so moved by this woman’s hunger that evening. It gave us a fresh perspective on God’s hand that is moving in this nation of Japan. I thought about how many times that film had been watched and in how many different languages. I’m sure that the number is great. And it came from people creating with what was in their hands. Isn’t funny how powerful media can be? A film touched this lady’s heart to make a decision to follow Jesus. When you create something you don’t know how many generations down the line that it will impact. I have seen people come to Lord by looking at a piece of art. What is in your hand? What can you use to create moments where people get a glimpse of who God says He is?