How Do You Put Faith Into Action?

Recently God has been teaching me about faith. My husband and I have seen an amazing amount of God’s kindness and faithfulness to us over the last couple of months of marriage and it just keeps getting better. It has not been the easiest season but we have truly witnessed the goodness of God within our finances, ministry and in our simple day to day routine. As much as we have had to trust Jesus on a whole new level, we can testify for hours about how He has taken care of us and given us outrageous testimonies. I have realized that faith is not just a foundational factor of my Christendom but it requires day to day practice in my walk with Jesus. It requires stepping out and doing bold things.

This week we had the opportunity to minister at a high school in a town called Paarl, just outside of Cape Town. Our contact escorted us into a gymnasium where about 200 students were waiting to encounter Jesus. I instantly felt like I needed to extend an invite to the students for prayer who felt like they needed encouragement. As our team started ministering, 4 girls came for prayer with me, all saying they heard me speak and felt something in them shift and they wanted to give their hearts to Jesus, we prayed and confessed together and with tears in their eyes they were reconciled with the Father.

Another girl came for prayer with scars on her arms, she told me she has been diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety and had tried to commit suicide two weeks prior to that. My heart instantly broke for her, she must have only been 16 and had already been to rehab countless times. I felt like I just needed to love her and encourage her, she left with a smile and tears streaming down her face saying she felt seen and known again.

Faith does not work unless there is an action, our faith and action can move people towards the Father just because we chose to obey Jesus and say yes. What have you done this week to put your faith into action?


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