Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

Sound of The Nations

Update for 4.15.17!

Boulders Beach in Simons Town, South Africa

Boulders Beach in Simons Town, South Africa

It has almost been a month since I have landed back in Cape Town, South Africa! It has been amazing getting to staff this YWAM school here. God has already done so much in each one of us, staff and student alike! We have shared our personal testimonies of what God has done in our lives and we have had moments of freedom and breakthrough through worship and prayer. But I think one of my favorite moments has been one of the afternoons this past week. It was our creative workshop hour, and we were talking about writing songs with each other and how to "flow" in harmony together. So one of the guys got onto the keys and started playing a melody and then in no specific order person by person sang out their own song in their own style and language! This was exactly what I had pictured three years ago on the street corner in Israel when I told God I wanted to give my life to seeing the sound of heaven released in the nations! We sang in English, French, Xhosa, and Afrikaans! Another thing that was so beautiful about was that everyone was so free to be themselves. Some people sang a chorus while others rapped, and even some made a dance move! I believe that after three weeks of being here I have sown about 50 seeds! Thank you for all your support in seeing the sound of heaven released through prayer and missions. He is faithful to fulfill what He promised, He is risen! As I am celebrating Good Friday and the resurrection this year I am so thankful for the blood of Jesus and His sacrifice for us. He loves you because He loves you because HE LOVES YOU because that is who He is. Amen!


  • $1,000 a month of financial support (I'm halfway there! I believing for $500 more)  
  • Wisdom and discernment in walking with these students in the YWAM school
  • Energy and grace I am committed to a lot of things for these next three months and I really want to do them well!
  • A car to safely get around Cape Town
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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

Revelation and Stories

A little more recent update! I made it to South Africa!

An evening in September on Signal Hill in Cape Town, South Africa

An evening in September on Signal Hill in Cape Town, South Africa

I have arrived in Cape Town, South Africa just yesterday! After four days of traveling I am worn out but so excited for all that is happening here at the YWAM base. Just to refresh you I am staffing part time with a DTS called "Sounds of The Nations" while also helping out the base leader with administration stuff and being his personal assistant. My heart is to serve the base and really jump into what God is already doing here in South Africa, and I really believe that prayer and worship is connected to all that He is doing here already so that is exciting. As I continue in this journey of seeing the sound of heaven released through prayer & missions I am starting to see how little I actually am doing and how much it really is God moving. I got a taxi today and in the car me and the driver ended up talking about the faithfulness of Jesus. I told him my story of how I came to South Africa and he was in shock of how I got there and how God provided! I told him "Man, two weeks ago I had no money and no plane ticket... And yet here!" I shared my heart how I am convinced that God cares about him and me and everyone else! We both came down to the fact that it's what Jesus says in John 15 that makes life amazing. "Abide in me and you'll bear lasting fruit." God simply wants to sit at the table with us and dine on the food that He has prepared. I was brought back to the house of my heart this morning. Jesus and I took a break from laying the floors in a certain room and He took me to a shed in the back. It was old and gray from the weather. When we opened the shed it was full of landscaping equipment and I looked at Jesus and asked why are going to mow? He answered with a smile, "We have guests coming" and to me it was profound that people were gonna come see my messy, unorganized, "in progress" house of my heart. But man how powerful is our story with Jesus? I was able to see that first hand today as I took the taxi. So be encouraged that Jesus is wanting to build your house with you! Thank you to everyone who has sowed into this vision of prayer & missions financially and through your prayers! Till my next update,


  • A $1,500 USD for a car for the next three months to get around (Taxis will cost more unfortunately.)
  • Wisdom, Revelation, & Discretion in Jesus as I continue trying to see the sound of heaven released through prayer & missions
  • Strength and stamina to staff this school and be a personal assistant   
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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

Next Steps

Short February Update!

One of my teammates from my most recent trip to South Africa

One of my teammates from my most recent trip to South Africa

Hello everyone! 

I want to say thank you to everyone who has joined the journey in one fashion or another since I started fundraising in January! By the grace of God and y'alls generosity I have been able to gain $440 of monthly support which is almost halfway to being fully funded for the year! 

January 30th I went to Washington D.C. to apply for my visa to South Africa (I'm praying it gets approved!) as I continue to prepare to step out in faith and move to the beautiful nation of South Africa as God leads I can't help but be grateful for the Father's faithfulness in these past years.

Since being back I have had the privilege of getting to partner with the Longview House of Prayer by helping lead their prayer sets and it has been such a gift to continue cultivating this heart for sitting at the table with Jesus. I continue to see the fruit that prayer really does change things! 

Feb 21-24 Rally International (The ministry in the DR Congo) is going to be in Dallas, Texas! So before I head back to Kona I am planning to go meet up with them and catch up as well as go over what there time in Kona will look like when they come. As we continue to hopefully build a partnership between Rally Int. & YWAM 

March 1st I am flying to Kona to pack up all my things, host Rally international for a week, and then Lord willing make the move to Cape Town, South Africa before April 1st. 

Thank you again to everyone who has joined the journey thus far, and if you haven't joined it and are interested then go over to my partner page and take a look at my budget and how you can be apart seeing the sound of heaven released through prayer & missions! God is on the throne. Jesus is alive. and prayer changes things!



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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

Join The Journey: Episode 1

Thank you everyone who has given/ committed to monthly supporting so far! As of right now I have $335 of monthly support! Thank you for everyone who has given a one time donation! You have helped me 1. Pay for my visa application (D.C. flight, FBI clearance, & application fee) and 2. Made my trip to the International House of Prayer possible! I'll be connecting with leaders there and getting insight and advice about starting a prayer room! 

If you are interested in joining the journey with me of seeing the sound of heaven released through prayer & missions you can click here to donate!

I am still in need of...

$400 for a plane ticket to Kona

$1,200 for a plane ticket to South Africa

$3,000 for a reliable car

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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

Join the Journey!

Me speaking about the power of worship & prayer at a youth group in Jeffery's Bay, South Africa

Me speaking about the power of worship & prayer at a youth group in Jeffery's Bay, South Africa

For all of you who have been following what the Lord has been doing in my life for these past three years and encouraged me along the way I want to say thank you. For everyone who has prayed for me I want to say thank you and that your prayers are what made the difference! For anyone who has given generously to me financially I am so grateful. You guys have made this mission trips possible and you have helped get to this road where I stand now. 

The reason for this special update is that I am embarking into the- again- unfamiliar phase of this journey to see the sound of heaven released through prayer & missions. Come this spring 2017 I am planning a move across the world to Cape Town, South Africa to join and serve the YWAM base there. While there I will be involved with helping staff a DTS. In the very near future I am hoping to start a prayer room under the base but first I want to serve it! I would like to ask for your support yet again. I look back at the last three years of ministries I've been apart and I the fruit is so evident. I know without a doubt that God is doing incredible things all over the world and YWAM is just another vessel for His kingdom. 

Since this move is expecting to be more permanent than any of my other trips I am in need of at least $1,000 USD a month for the next year. Along with that I am in need of $4,600 USD for start up costs such as a plane ticket, visa, & car in South Africa. I am looking for partners who would be willing to give $20, $50, $100, or Other amount per month for the next year. God has provided everything in the past and I am confident that where He guides He will provide. I am asking if you would give towards this vision of seeing the sound of heaven released through prayer & missions.

This past year I estimate that I have gotten to see over 2,000 seeds sown, over 200 salvations, over 100 people baptized in the Holy Spirit, and at minimum 75 physical healings! This is what you are sowing into! If you'd like to see my budget for the next 4 months (I'll be updating it April 2017) and/ or would like to donate now click here,  I would love to talk if you have any questions or want to know more!


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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

Kona // S.A. // DRC

This is just a small recap of my life for the past six months! My good friend Kristin Song captured all the videos. Thank you to everyone who prayed for me, supported, and walked this journey with me. I am so thankful! I am back in Longview resting and getting things in order for my visa application to South Africa so if you'd like to meet up or skype let me know! I will be looking for monthly partners soon! Bless you!

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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

South Africa


South Africa was incredible! I am now back in Kona closing out the school and getting ready to head to California where I am helping my sister and brother in law move all there stuff from Huntington Beach to Longview, Texas; I am excited for this road trip! Just to give you a quick recap of my time in South Africa, in three months we prayed for/ talked to OVER 1,026 people, saw 15 salvations, 7 people get physically healed, and 11 people baptized in the Holy Spirit! One of my favorite stories is getting to be apart of planting a seed of prayer on the YWAM base. We made a spreadsheet with 24 hour slots 7 days a week and had a worship night with the base and I explained my heart for prayer and how it is so powerful and effective. Then I did a call for everyone to commit just one hour a week in the small prayer room on base praying for the rest of the quarter, and it was a success! People signed up and the momentum for prayer was growing even more! I was excited to be apart of what God was already doing! It was incredible to just see and be apart of what God is doing in this country! Everywhere we went we saw God doing something incredible. In the Townships, in the Universities, in the churches, in the YWAM base! All over the country there is momentum building for a genuine prayer movement. I am thankful for these past six months. For every penny being provided, for every prayer, for the team God gave me, for the amazing people I got to meet, for YWAM, for God's protection, I am so thankful! I am continuing on this journey of establishing a prayer in the DRC by first heading back towards South Africa in this next year. I will be back in Texas for December through February and I will be looking to speak, lead worship, and just meet with people to share the vision of seeing a prayer room built! If you would like to know more, fill out the contact page on this website! Thank you so much for all your prayers and financial support I pray your blessed ten fold for your generosity! All the fruit you see from this trip is accredited to y'all as well, your reward is great in Heaven!

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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

The Democratic Republic of Congo

Here's a short update of my time in the DRC!

The city of Goma looking at the volcano

The city of Goma looking at the volcano

John 15 Where we abide fruit is born

I am full of excitement as the journey continues towards establishing a prayer room in the DRC. I just recently got back from my first trip to the country and if I could sum it up in one word I would use "Paradox" I have never felt more useless and yet more hopeful at the same time. I didn't even travel through much of the country and I could see that the affects war linger. People showed me pictures of what Goma used to like (it looked like Europe!) and now the place looked completely different because of war. I couldn't help but hearing the tempting thought "what is prayer really going to do?" As I sat down and had dinner with the leaders of Rally that night and started to get to know everyone, I saw a hope I had never seen before. They began explaining to me what God was doing in the DRC and it struck a deep chord in me, I wanted that hope! I went to bed that night almost in tears saying "Yes! God is moving here! Prayer is changing things!" Another thing I want to preface this whole story with is that for about the past 10 months God has been bringing up John 15. "Abide in me," Jesus says, "and see the fruit!" Each time I think I understand it, He brings more revelation. I saw people abiding in the DRC. In their prayer life, their work habits, there fellowship with one another. They painted the picture of what Jesus was speaking about in John 15. I was so touched by their prayer life, I wanted to pray like the Congolese prayed! The beauty of the trip was that I was able to see what was happening in the country and get to know only a few of the amazing people there. As I sat on the 5 hour bus ride packed with people to Kigali airport I wept. Most of my life I've wanted to do great "exploits" for God. But what I realized in my very short time there was that I past all the great things we can do for the kingdom we get to KNOW Jesus. I love the picture of sitting at the table with Him. As I sat their and cried I told Him "I'll do it again!" I don't care if my life looks a little different than my friends back home I want to know Jesus! I was able to sit down with the leaders and talk about what a partnership with YWAM looks like as well as a what a prayer room looks like in the DRC. God's faithfulness always astounds me, He provided EVERYTHING needed on this trip. Next steps are to take a team back to the DRC for the month of March in 2017 and work with Rally. I am currently back in South Africa for three more weeks then to Kona and then finally back home to Texas for the beginning of the year! Thank you to all who have prayed and supported me. I mean it from my heart that it has/ and still is making the difference! The journey continues! 

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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

Salvations, Baptisms, and Seeds

Driving the N2 back to Muizenberg

Driving the N2 back to Muizenberg

Cape Town is a beautiful place between the mountains, the ocean, the people, and most of all what God is doing here! The team and I arrived three weeks ago after three days of travelling, (longest flights of my life) and after a couple days of getting over jetlag we started ministry. Some of the ministries we are doing is leading worship at the University of Cape Town, preaching to a youth leadership team, and also working with kids in schools, helping them with school work, playing with them, helping feed them, etc. On the first day of ministry we were at the school and the kids were praying the Lord’s prayer in Xhosa. All of a sudden one the guys that was with us gets a word of encouragement for one of the four teachers standing there. This turned into us telling them the gospel and four of them gave their lives to Jesus on the spot! What I love about this is that we are able to see them each day and walk with them rather than just letting them figure it out on their own.  The next morning, I brought my guitar and we did worship. The teachers ended up grabbing the kids and we worshipped as apart of the school! As we continued on that day we went door to door in the townships and as we got invited into an older ladies house her and her friend gave their lives to Jesus as well! All in all, after three weeks of being here we have seen SEVEN salvations, TWO people baptized in the spirit, and have planted over FIFTY seeds (planting a seed is praying for/ talking with a person.) I have thoroughly enjoyed our time here so far and I feel like I am gaining even more resolve that God is leading me towards this nation unto the D.R. Congo. I leave for the D.R.C. October 28th for a one week trip with the ministry there called Rally International. Finally, after two years of waiting I am so thankful for the opportunity to strike the ground of this nation. Please continue to pray for me as I go: That the trip would be effective, for wisdom discernment & understanding, for safety, for no sickness, and for God’s help in what it looks like to start a prayer room here in South Africa and the DR Congo! Last prayer point is for the team, everyone seems to be getting sick and it’s preventing them from doing ministry, please pray for healing! I am so thankful for every single person who has given towards this trip and has prayed for me. Your prayers are such a huge impact so thank you so much! The Sound of Heaven is being released through prayer & missions! 

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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

Journey # 2

Back in May I took my first of three "big" trips towards establishing a prayer room in the DR Congo. The first one was Nepal to help another team start a prayer room in Kathmandu! My time there was so strategic and divine to the point where I found another prayer room nearby and so I went to go visit it and I ended up meeting a Congolese refugee there! What are the odds of that? I learned a lot of practical and spiritual things on that trip concerning establishing a prayer room. As I move into this next step of the journey I am going to be boarding a plane for Cape Town, South Africa next week (Sept. 23.) While I am there I will be networking, scouting, and serving the local ywam base there! An amazing opportunity has arose also where I was invited by the ministry in the DRC to come up for a week while I am in South Africa. So to my amazement yet again the Lord has made a way where there was not one! I just booked my plane ticket yesterday and on the last week of October I will be in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo! I am so excited to finally strike the ground in the DRC! Please pray for me as the next step of the journey continues! 

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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh


What a month it has been! Since my last update we have seen over 30 salvations, some amazing answers to prayers, and an awesome story of how God continues to provide for this dream He has put on my heart. We had our Jesus Burgers outreach where we hand out free burgers to the homeless and community in Kona while having a two hour worship service going on. At the end of the night we go up and preach the gospel plain and simple! This Jesus Burgers I got the opportunity to share alongside my brother-in-law Seth. As I was praying before I got up I kept asking God to speak through me. I shared two stories that conveyed the heart of God and then Seth came up and brought the simple gospel and when he asked who wanted to respond over  30 HANDS shot straight up in the air! It was a great time and I am so thankful I got to be apart of it! As you all know I have been praying and planning for this trip to South Africa for around six months now. Along with praying for this trip I have been praying for God to open doors in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Well the Lord has answered my prayers and now it is looking like I will be able to connect with Rally International (The ministry in the DR Congo) while I am in South Africa! I am so excited and expectant for this three month trip to South Africa this fall. I am looking to network with leaders there, scout out the land and see the possibility of moving there, and serve the YWAM base that is in Cape Town. God has always been faithful to His words and He always will! I am in awe of His provision these past couple of weeks. From providing money for gas to literally providing money for a deposit on a flight to South Africa as my card is being typed in! (contact me to hear that whole story!) So as I write this update I do it with a full heart of gratitude. I am thankful for God's grace and mercy which I don't deserve and I am thankful for friends and family that champion me and this vision of seeing a prayer room established in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Thank you to everyone who has given towards this dream already and thank you for everyone who is praying for me (it's working!) Here are few needs until my next update, please contact me if you want to talk more! 

  • Prayer for my passport to make it back to me before I leave for South Africa   (I had to send it in because of some errors made by the gov't)
  • $2,800 for my trip to Africa
  • Prayer for my team (of 6) pray for unity and boldness to preach the gospel
  • Prayer for me to hear God's voice clearly and have wisdom as I move on towards the next step of establishing a prayer room in the DRC
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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

No Compromise

Things are in full swing out here at the University of the Nations. We just sent out another wave of missionaries on their three month outreaches (182 students to over 20 different nations!) With one wave going another has come as this quarter starts, and I am expectant and full of faith for revival to break out and spread. For these past few months I have realized something, that we are moral agents concerning a move of God. I also realized that it very much depends on my willingness to have no compromise in my life. What am I allowing to hinder a move of God in my own heart? 

"If God spoke from heaven in a loud voice and asked, "Do you want revival?" would you dare to say yes? If He asked, "Are you willing to make the sacrifices?" would you dare to say yes? When He inquired, "When should it start?" would you answer, "Let it begin here, let it begin in my heart now"? Would you dare to say so to God if you heard His voice call you?" - Lectures on Revival by Charles G. Finney

As I continue on in this journey of seeing a prayer room established in the Democratic Republic of Congo I want everything in my life to be burned away that is not of God. I don't want to see how close I can get without crossing the line, I want to see how far I can run from it. Some things I would really appreciate prayer for is that God would send me a team. "Though none go with me still I will follow" I am going with a team or I am going alone, either way I am following what I feel the Lord is telling me to do. But with that said I would be grateful for a team. Thank you so much to all of you supporting right now in prayer and finances none of this would be possible without you. Your reward is eternal in Heaven!  

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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

Thoughts From Nepal Trip

"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." - Proverbs 16:9

I have been processing my trip to Nepal for the past week and there are a couple of key things I have taken away from the trip that have really shed light on my next steps towards the DR Congo. First is that what I noticed when I was in Nepal was that one of the main reasons, I believe, that the prayer room that they were establishing was doing so well was because they were doing it in a group together in full agreement. The old African proverb came into my mind after seeing this, "If you want to go fast go alone; if you want to go far go in a group." I think that I just saw an affirmation of how important community was after being around those guys pioneering in that nation. Secondly, after seeing the importance of community I saw a huge net of opportunity where the idea of gathering friends to go pioneer was a DTS. Now I'm not saying it is the only way but I do think it is a great way after seeing seven of the sixteen teams in Nepal while I was there. So with that being said I have made just a slight change in my plans for the next months. Instead of going to South Africa for one month I am going to go for three months, Lord willing. I will be doing the same thing (scouting, networking, and serving) My hope is to grow my team with people who are all in full agreement around the words the Lord is speaking for Africa (specifically the DR Congo.) Onward we go towards the next step! 

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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh


I flew out of Kona, HI April 29 by myself to head towards Kathmandu where I would meet my team. Upon arriving to Nepal I was greeted by a lot of interesting smells and a friend who took a look at my guitar and two bags and said "yeah, that'll work." I realized what he meant by that as we walked up to his motorcycle! We wedged my guitar in between us and I wore one backpack while he wore the other and we went on to the guest house that I was staying at. This was my first introduction to Nepal! Since then we have had worship and prayer times and gone out and preached the gospel and prayed for people. Prayer & Missions in action at it's finest! One of my favorite stories here so far has been one day where we had a prayer set and worship time in the morning then went and grabbed lunch and went to the Market place to go preach and pray for people. Our translator asked me once we got there what we were wanting to do. I told him probably just pray for people and tell them the gospel. We looked around and saw one guy leaning against a wall and he just had no emotion in his face. So I said "what about him?" We went up to the guy and prayed for him and then began to tell him the gospel. Once we finished we asked him if he wanted to know this God through Jesus. He answered yes. If I am being honest I was caught off guard. I am so used to an appeal or an attempt at arguing from the other person that I wasn't expecting such a willing response. So I said "No no no do you want to surrender your WHOLE life to Jesus?" and he said yes! I just paused in disbelief and looked at m friend who was translating (he was a new Christian so he was looking with the same disbelief as me!) We both starting laughing and said we should probably pray so we led the guy through the sinners prayer and then invited him to the local church that is there! It was a privilege to get to be apart of this guys journey of surrendering to Jesus. The look in his eyes as I began to tell him about Jesus' sacrifice was priceless! Thank you for all who have sown into this trip. Whether through prayer or finances you all share in this victory too! 

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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

To The Himalayas

I start the journey to the Himalayas tonight! Thank you to all of you who have sown into to this trip. I am full of faith, expecting God to move in whatever way He wants! In Psalm 119:24 David says to God "Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counsel." How true is that! Yesterday I sat down in the morning with the Father and began to recount all the testimonies of His Character in my life. From Financially providing in every way, to providing me with a car, a place to stay, vision, friends, a great school, His kindness and mercy continue to humble me. I could go on and on with how much being friends with God and learning to surrender more and more to Him have impacted my life. Any doubts or worries I had about this trip were gone the moment I sought the "counsel of God" I cannot deny His faithfulness. His grace that has shown itself new to me each morning. I am so excited to go on this adventure in seeing a prayer room established but even more so I am excited to go on a trip with my Father to a land I have never been to before. To learn more about who my Father is and tell people about how good He is! For the sake of not getting too sentimental I will simply encourage everyone to set your heart on the promises of God and I assure you that you will be satisfied feasting on His faithfulness! I cannot wait to update you guys soon! 

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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

Healings & Salvations

As one quarter ends another begins! It is always exciting to see a whole group of new people giving up seasons of their lives to see the Great Commission fulfilled! We just had our first ministry night with this group Monday and we saw 14 SALVATIONS & 10 PHYSICAL HEALINGS! My fiery sister got on the microphone and preached the gospel simply and shamelessly, and then 14 people came up to the front to surrender to this Grace! This is only the first ministry night and we are so excited for what God is going to do over these next three months! There is so much faith rising after Azusa Now! I am so expectant for the next great awakening! 

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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

Journey # 1

Over the next months ahead I will be taking a series of trips (Lord willing.) All unto establishing a House of Prayer in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The first trip is to the Himalayas to help set up a house of prayer . This is going to help me see what it looks like to start a prayer room in a foreign country. I have always had a picture in my head of me sitting at a table with Jesus drinking coffee and looking at the mountains. In a few weeks I think that I will finally get to do that.  I believe God is going to use me and my guitar while I am there and people are going to get saved! I am flying out of Kona towards the mountains April 27 so if you have a minute a quick prayer would be greatly appreciated! In closing I just want to, with a full heart, say thank you so much to all of you who have supported me in this journey of mine of seeing the sound of heaven released through prayer & missions. I pray you are blessed ten fold for your sowing into the kingdom! 

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Noah Reagh Noah Reagh

Forget Not

"I will delight in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word." - Psalm 119:61

As this quarter draws to close we send out a few hundred people in more than a couple of dozen teams to different nations across the world for 3 months to carry the gift of the gospel to those who have not heard it. In this quarter we have seen 10 salvations, 50+ healings, people freed from depression and fear, real time answers to prayer from our intercession sets for countries on the other side of the world! We have seen people encounter God and catch His heart for prayer! A live album was recorded to capture the moments when we met to worship Jesus! (Release date coming soon), God opened a door and now I have begun planning a trip to the DRC for next year 2017! I sit here in the middle of the Pacific to say that the times are not dry and barren but full and ripe! Jesus is returning! 

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